*You must register using the link below* Whatever, season of life, whatever your current challenges or circumstances, may you glorify God and make the gospel believable to those around you as you reflect His divine design and become His True Woman! Ladies, please join us for this group study as we learn how to be exactly who God created us to be! What does it mean to be a woman? The current cultural ideal for womanhood encourages women to be strident, sexual, self-centered, independent -- and above all -- powerful and in control. But sadly, this model of womanhood hasn't delivered the happiness and fulfillment it promised. The Bible teaches that it's not up to us to decide what womanhood is all about. God created male and female for a very specific purpose. His design isn't arbitrary or unimportant. It is very intentional, and He wants women to discover, embrace, and delight in the beauty of His design. He's looking for True Women! Books needed: True Woman 101: Devine Design – an eight-week study on Biblical womanhood. By Mary A. Kassian and Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Cost varies by supplier. Here is one source for the book - Order link below: https://www.amazon.com/True-Woman-101-Eight-Week-Womanhood/dp/0802403565/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=Cj0KCQiA4aacBhCUARIsAI55maEGCOZno9BfBv2qdi3gEEv6DlroraVBt3ldLiE_2MtNqJgJDiBAtrIaAiD7EALw_wcB&hvadid=241602468363&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9011023&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=550655076720030807&hvtargid=kwd-34003006691&hydadcr=22533_10353821&keywords=true+woman+101&qid=1670004187&sr=8-1 What the study looks like: there are 8 weeks of the study, each week consists of 15 minutes of reading for 5 days out of the week, then reflecting and studying the related scriptures to the reading. There is also a 20-minute video to see each week prior to the meeting. Sandra will send the video out ahead of time. WHEN: Start Date- Thursday January 19th, meet Thursday evening’s from 7:00 to 8:30. WHERE: Tina Gill’s home in Dacula. Sandra Hunter will facilitate the study. You will be given the address when you sign up! Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/25tnpubr LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Each spot is precious since they are limited. Therefore, please prayerfully consider committing to this 8-week study. We are really excited to see how God is going to bless and better equip us through this study by learning and fellowshipping together!